The fastest platform for scientific computing on the planet.

"When I meet God, am going to ask him two questions: Why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he will have an answer for the first."

Werner Heisenberg

Our mission is to expand human ingenuity.

Why does it take billions of dollars to design and develop a new fusion reactor, a hypersonic airplane or a new cancer treatment while all the while having very little confidence that the solution will work? Why can’t we simulate the workings of these ideas (and more) on a computer first and have high confidence that it will work before we have to build really expensive things? The problem is not that humanity doesn't know the physics of how things work. The problem is that humanity simply does not have the necessary computing power.

“Everything that living things do can be understood in terms of the jiggling and wiggling of atoms.”

Richard Feynman

To address this, Vorticity is developing a radically new computing chip and system architectures to increase the speed and scope of scientific computing problems. We have already proven this technology in the energy, life sciences and aerospace industries and we continue to add to this list.

Vorticity is honored to partner up with these organiza-tions.

Vorticity is honored to partner up with these organizations.



“It's not every day a company comes along that helps you realize you are stuck in a paradigm. Vorticity has jogged our thinking around the fundamentals of how we process our big data and have gotten us thinking about what more we could do by taking a different path."

Nate Suurmayer
Royal dutch shell

“Vorticity is the canonical example of how new computing hardware is developed - inspired by algorithmic innovations, battle tested with software and virtualized hardware, final final product created from knowledge of full-value chain."

Dave Moehring
general partner, cambium capital, former ceo - ionq


If you have a passion for math and science, like to work at the bleeding edge of technology and be part of a community working to increase the pace of worldwide scientific and technological discovery, then Vorticity is the place for you.

We are building a team of exceptional people to work together on big problems. Join us!


More Questions? Contact us.
Phone: 650-686-8620

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Phone: (+1) 626 807 2737
Fax: (+1) 626 807 2738